
Examples Of Personification In Fahrenheit 451

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I agree with the analysis “Bradbury’s Fahrenheit 451”, because we had the same thoughts on how Bradbury wrote Fahrenheit 451. Bradbury used a lot of imagery, stylistic devices, and symbolism. I agree that Montag acts as if his hands are doing the problem when taking the books and that he cannot do anything about it, but in reality he is just curious about the books and his conscious is getting the best of him. Bradbury used a lot of personification to describe things like when Montag talks about burning the house down “with the brass nozzle in his fists, with this great python spitting its venomous kerosene upon the world, the blood pounded in his head...” (1). An allusion that I found was "Play the man, Master Ridley: we shall this day light

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