
Examples Of Persuasive Essay Frankenstein

Satisfactory Essays

Carah Davis
Prof. K. Jordan
Dual Credit English 1301
24 August 2015
Frankenstein Essay- Argumentative /Persuasive
From the first time Victor Frankenstein saw his creation standing in his bed chamber he was petrified of the seemingly harmful creature that stood before him and immediately flees, leaving the creature to fend for himself. He describes it as “the wretch- the miserable monster who I created” (Shelley 56). He then says “one hand was stretched out, seemingly to detain me” (Shelley 57). These statements lead us to believe that Victor’s creation is evil and wants to harm him but the monster is like a new born baby and we are not born into this world evil, we are influenced by the things around us that shape us to be who we are.
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The monster has such a gruesome and horrifying appearance, that Frankenstein is automatically scared based on the monster’s looks and therefore flees from his creation. The creature then goes out into a world that he knows absolutely nothing about and has to provide for himself without any knowledge of how to do that. When the creature scares the humans in the village and the farmer he is only trying to find food and never once thought of harming them. The monster shows many acts of kindness in his early stages of life. For example, when he is observing the family, he realizes that they are poor and he has been stealing their food. Once he understands that he is hurting them, he stops stealing. He cuts up firewood and leaves it for them in hopes of making their life easier. These actions show us that the monster does not start out doing bad things only things that might benefit the family. The creature has a desire to learn like a child does, he is fascinated in everything the family does and says. “I shall relate the events that impressed me with feelings which, from what I was, have made me what I am”(Shelley 135), this quote

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