
Examples Of Pessimism In Huck Finn

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Despite the sense of freedom and adventure present in Huckleberry Finn, Mark Twain is actually pessimistic about American society and government. Do you agree?
Pessimism is a state of mind in which one anticipate undesirable outcome or believes that the evil or hardship in life outweigh the good or luxuries. Mark Twain was the first American writer who obtained recognition and fortune as an author in United State of America. Twain’s one major work, The Adventure of Huckleberry Finn is preoccupied with the idea of freedom. But novel actually it is talking about being pessimistic about American society and government. “The American dream offers the freedom to make both the large and small decisions that affect one’s life; the freedom to aspire …show more content…

America, especially in the South, was still struggling with racism and the after effects of slavery during this time period. Huckleberry Finn comments that freedom is …show more content…

Jim wants freedom from slavery, to reunite with his family, and to make a life for himself and his family in a slave Free State in the North, but this was very difficult in a society full of racial stereotypes and discrimination. Jim also wants to be free from Miss Watson as he had found out that she wanted to sell him. Huck and Jim were very different individuals but they overcome their differences to form a relationship of brotherhood and trustworthiness to escape and be free. Huck and Jim faces lots of obstructions down the Mississippi River. They rafted during the night as daylight created a risk for Jim as he was a runaway slave. They headed north where Jim would not be in danger of being sold in an anti- slavery state. However, on their way they encounter the Duke and Dauphin, con artists who sell Jim. Huck and Jim experience danger, separation, escape from death, and eventually Jim was captured and re-enslaved. Jim’s escape was printed with a picture and reward which declared him as a property worth $200 (Twain, 1999). Jim had to face lots of challenges to fulfill his dream of freedom. Huck meets his adventurous friend Tom Sawyer and they design a plan to help Jim be a free man. Jim, with much risk taking, sacrifices, and hard work, achieves the American dream. Jim was set free from Miss Watson’s slavery according to her will and Jim could reunite with his wife and children. With

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