
Examples Of Phony In Catcher In The Rye

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As much as society wants to deny it, Holden was right: everyone is a phony in one way or another. Holden used the word phony to describe society and to isolate himself, but he failed to realize that he is the biggest phony of them all. To Holden, nearly every person he knows is phony and he uses this as an excuse to be alone. However, as much as he hates phoniness, he himself is a phony and cannot come to terms with it. This teaches the reader that phoniness is a part of life, whether we like it or not. Holden uses the word phony to describe every character in the book except Allie, Jane, Phoebe and himself. It does not matter if the person is a complete stranger or if Holden has known them well for years: they are a phony no matter what. …show more content…

Holden uses this word to describe Ernie, Sally Hayes, his classmates, Ossenburger as well as perfect strangers. For example, when he finally sees Phoebe at the end of the novel, she confronts him about how he always gets kicked out of schools. Holden defends his actions and expresses his distaste for Pencey Prep when he states: “It was full of phonies. And mean guys. You never saw so many mean guys in your life.” (185) His classmates were always too concerned with their appearance to recognize that they sacrificed their integrity to look cool. They were mean and exclusive and absolutely fake for appearance’s sake, and they gained absolutely nothing from it. Holden sees straight through these facades that every person puts up. He sees how they conform to society and how they act like they are ‘supposed’ to so that they can live out the lives that are expected of them. Holden does not want to grow up or conform to this expectation that most often lies …show more content…

Despite this, he is the most prominent phony in the novel. He constantly lies to others, refuses to try to connect with others and put himself out there and overlooks his own pain, projecting it onto others. Holden is a compulsive liar, he does not have one honest conversation with anyone except his sister and Jane. When he is on the bus with Mrs. Morrow, for example, he claims his name is POOPY POOP and preaches about what an amazing guy her son is, even though he is one of the biggest jerks at Pencey. This shows that Holden falls victim to the same social conventions as everyone else. He knows that he is saying exactly what Mrs. Morrow wants to hear, despite the fake that he is spouting lies. Yet, later in the novel, he criticizes others for doing the exact same thing. Holden is also determined to see everyone’s faults, yet ignores his own. He sets his standards impossibly high so that when they prove themselves phony, he does not have to interact with anyone. Moreover, Holden is in denial about the intense emotional pain he feels due to Allie’s death. He denies it affected him at all, being phony in his own unique way. Allie’s death triggered his intense depression and he has not received the attention and care he needs to move on with his life. He is stuck permanently in the maturity and time he was when Allie died. He has a hole burrowed into him and cannot fill it, no matter how

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