
Examples Of Racial Profiling In The Movie Crash

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Crash, the controversial and complex movie with a plot line that seems to highlight topics like racism and discrimination, unsurprisingly, contains a large amount of racial profiling, as well. Sometimes the profiling is featured as plain as day, and other times, it is too subtle to notice without looking for it. There are several major instances of racial profiling that occur in the movie, the first, where Jean Cabot profiles her Latino locksmith as a “gangbanger,” the second, where Officer Ryan unjustly searches Cameron and Christine, and a third, where the gun salesmen refuses to sell Farhad a gun, simply because of his ethnicity. An early instance of profiling occurs by Jean Cabot, the wealthy wife of LA’s District Attorney. After being …show more content…

Officer Ryan pulls over Cameron and Christine Thayer, a wealthy African American couple, under the guise of sexual misconduct. What starts out as a routine traffic stop begins to escalate when Officer Ryan commands Cameron to step out of the vehicle in order to check for intoxication, despite pleas from Cameron and his wife. As Cameron is proving his sobriety to the officer, Christine drunkenly steps out of the vehicle. Officer Ryan suddenly slams them both against their SUV, and orders an aggressive search on both Cameron and Christine - much to the disgust of Officer Hansen, who was Ryan’s partner at the time. Hansen, who had no racial bias, swiftly searched Cameron and found no weapons. At the same time, Ryan was searching Christine, taking unnecessarily long, while remorselessly groping her in search of weapons. Ryan eventually concluded that she was not armed, and decided to let both of them off “with a warning.” Cameron and Christine were searched not because they were a threat, but because they were profiled by an officer ruled by his personal …show more content…

Officer Hansen, arguably the least racist/discriminatory character in the beginning of the movie, is responsible for the last act of profiling. Hansen, with good intentions, picks up an African American Hitchhiker stranded alongside the road. As Hansen and his passenger start to converse, the direction of the conversation takes a sour turn, and Hansen, convinced that his hitchhiker was mocking him, pulls over to the side of the road to let the hitchhiker out. Their argument, revolving around a figurine that Hansen believed the hitchhiker was mocking, begins to escalate until the hitchhiker reaches into his pocket to grab something. Hansen instinctively shoots the hitchhiker, killing him almost instantly. It is then revealed that the hitchhiker was simply reaching into his pocket to grab the same figurine that was sitting on Hansen’s dashboard. This is an example of racial profiling at its most obvious - Hansen, believing that the man posed a threat, opened fire. In reality, there was no threat at

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