
Examples Of Self-Evidence In The Declaration Of Independence

Decent Essays

“We hold these truths to be self-evident.” This is a statement written in the Declaration of Independence. A bold statement at first glance but becomes clear after further investigation. Self-evidence is not a belief that something is true but rather knowing truths thanks to own powers of perception and reasoning (Allen 100). Idea of self-evidence can come from a sense perception. This is where we recognize oak, maple, hickory as all being trees. Another form of Self-evidence derives from logic and how language works (Allen 101). This is where we say a chair is for sitting on. Self-evidence can also be stringed together by a syllogism. A syllogism is composed of two premises. An example is including Bill Gates is a human, and all humans are mortal. These two premises generate a conclusion that Bill Gates will die. The Declaration relies on a self-evident truth that humans want to be free and happy. Danielle states that humans seek to survive, to be free, and be happy, just like animals. Difference between humans and animals is humans created a government in the form of politics. Humans build these governments like birds build nests. Governments are set up to protect life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. This can be concluded through a self-evident syllogism.
In the passage Our Declaration, the part that stood out the most is when the author states the following line. "From the moment of their emergence as living beings, human beings seek to survive, to be free from

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