I have decided to examine question 13: Ethics isn’t as subjective as many people think. For example, is it obviously right to kill one person if that would safe the life of 1,000,000 innocent people. Discuss. I choose this question because I thought it was the most interesting question among them all. Ethics is such a fascinating topic to discuss.
This paper will examine and discuss the statement ‘ethics isn’t as subjective as many people think’. It will do so by investigating different arguments and how the arguments are built. The arguments will concern whether it is ethically correct to kill one person if it would save 1,000,000 innocent people. Furthermore, this paper will discuss and argue the different kinds of ethics. This
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For example, looking at the trolley-dilemma in the lecture ‘Justice’ by Michael Sandel, you have to push the fat guy to save the other five exposed people. If the fat guy was your brother or another important person in your life, you would never push him. Also subjectively looking at this dilemma you would probably never push another person into his or her death. This is the subjectivity of ethics. Your feelings are deciding for you whether one act or another is right or wrong. But an important fact is to remember that everybody has different values across borders, cultures, religions etc.
To state another example of subjective ethics we can, again, look at the Mary and Jodie dilemma. The parents are definitely acting subjectively to the dilemma. They don’t want the surgery because they are unable to kill one of there own children, also they are religious and it is against their religion to go through with the surgery.
Arguments for Ethics as
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We make personal choices based on the people involved or at risk. Sometimes ethics is objective as well. If we were to take a choice about killing one and safe 1,000,000 people we would look objectively at the problem and choose the logical approach instead of thinking about what is principally right to do. Because looking if we looked at the issue deontological then we would never kill one, because of the law, and the law always says that you can not kill anyone. Sometimes it is just necessary to ignore the law and killed the one threatening the society, definitely, when it comes to
It is important to understand that ethics is not equal to personal emotions. Therefore, ethical decision making should be void of personal feelings. Moreover, an ethical action is that which protects and respect the moral perspectives of those affected. Indeed, ethical approaches help to determine the standards of behavior that constitute a common good for the human
In order to make ethical decisions, it is helpful to think about several questions, including: 1) who will be impacted by the decision, 2) who will benefit from the decision, and 3) who will suffer from the decision.
When someone is making an ethical decision they are going through a process of making this decision based on their moral principles. Ethics are principles of behaviour that inform people how to act in certain situations are based on one’s environment
First, it is important to define ethics and how its components play an extensive role in our society. The term ethics is defined as “Moral principles that govern a person 's behaviour or the conducting of an activity.” (Oxford); ethical decisions are the ones that per se determine whether or not murder is wrong. Likewise, ethics consists of different ramifications and perspectives from many philosophers. Moreover,
An ethical dilemma is a debate between two moral principles, where two sides can dispute about what is wrong or what is right. However, there is no real answer to an ethical dilemma. Is it a “simple” matter of what one believes in? The best answer would be, in ethics, it is not always simple. Ethics have a propensity to engage in moral reasoning, performing critical examination of different beliefs, in order to determine whether they should be accepted or rejected. Abortion is considered an ethical dilemma. It is examined by two different groups, which have two different perspectives; Pro-Life versus Pro-Choice.
Ethics are moral principles that can be used to help guide peoples decisions. We are all different and therefore our beliefs and opinions differ. There are many ethical theories, and according to Panza and Potthast (n.d.) the following are some that are widely used. Virtue ethics is one theory which states that personality is the most important thing. Living an ethical life, acting right, requires that one develops and demonstrates the quality of courage, compassion, wisdom, and temperance. It also requires that greed, jealousy, and selfishness is avoided. Utilitarianism states that the amount of happiness and suffering created by a person’s actions is what matters the most. As a result, acting rightly includes maximizing the amount of
There are a variety of different ethical systems that have developed of the course of millennia. However, even though the subject has been covered so thoroughly, it is still heavily debated. The varieties of ethical systems that are in existence look at various ethical problems from different perspectives and can be applied differently in different circumstances. Because of the subjective aspects to applying ethics, they can be as much an art as they are a science. Ethics are something that must be practiced and really cannot be perfected. In this way, studying ethics is a continual process that does not really stop. This paper will argue that ethics are the most important subject that an individual can pursue.
An ethical dilemma is an incident that causes us to question how we should react based on our beliefs. A decision needs to be made between right and wrong. I have experienced many ethical dilemmas in my lifetime, so I know that there is no such thing as an ethical dilemma that only affects one person. I also know that some ethical dilemmas are easier to resolve than others are. The easy ones are the ones in which we can make decisions on the spot. For example, if a cashier gives me too much change, I can immediately make a decision to either return the money or keep it. Based on Kant’s, categorical imperative there are two criteria for determining moral right and wrong. First, there is universalizability, which states, “the person’s
To make an ethical decision, it is necessary to perceive and eliminate immoral options and select the best and ethical alternative. It is a process of choosing the best ethical option among the alternatives.
According to the New Oxford American Dictionary, ethics is defined as “moral principles that govern a person’s or group’s behavior.” Therefore, in an ideal world, ethics should play the ultimate role when making a decision. If ethics are the principles which guides one’s behavior then, ideally, all decisions should be made entirely based on ethics. Unfortunately, such is not always the case.
Making consistently ethical decisions is difficult. Most decisions have to be made in the context of economic, professional and social pressures, which can sometimes challenge our ethical goals and conceal or confuse the moral issues. In addition, making ethical choices is complex because in many situations there are a multitude of competing interests and values. Other times, crucial facts are unknown or ambiguous. Since many actions are likely to benefit some people at the expense of others, the decision maker must prioritize competing moral claims and must be proficient at predicting the likely consequences of various choices. An ethical person often chooses to do more than the law requires and less than the law allows.
I am going to answer these two questions in this essay. They are “Do you think that the right to life entails a right to die under certain circumstances?” and “Should the laws be changed to grant a universal right to voluntary euthanasia?”. In this essay, I am going to give reasons using ethical theories to justify these questions.
Every action and decision one makes is derived from ethics. In my opinion, ethics is about doing the right thing no matter the situation. Ethics has a lot to do with one’s personal values and it is important due to the fact that it influences the way a person governs their life. I believe being ethical has a lot to do with the way one was brought up and the values that were instilled into them from a young age. My ethical views originated from my upbringing and the lessons my parents taught me. My parents are big believers of always doing the right thing and that mindset got passed onto me. My ethical values shape who I am as a person and impacts the way I go about life. Ethics is extremely important to me because I want to be the best version of myself and with that entails
Ethics is the branch of philosophy that deals with the principles correlated to human behavior concerning the rightness and wrongness of specific conduct, and to the good and bad that influences and ends those actions (, 2011). In other words, ethics is the choice people effect in regards to a decision they need to achieve. Without ethics directing the choice an individual makes, moral preferences of what should or should not be done becomes irrelevant. While ethical decisions are made every day there are two different regions in which these choices are made.
When conflicts such as moral contradictions and inconsistencies arise, conversations including ethics and moral reasoning is the only way to solve these inconsistencies. Those who are genuine devotees of a certain religion may question if their religion’s moral instructions make sense according to one another. In these distinct cases, intelligent resolution of the claims can only be sorted out by putting in place an unbiased standard that can classify the competing viewpoints. This is where ethics comes in as the neutrality in the form of critical thinking, proficient arguments, and careful analysis.