
Examples Of Suspense In Cujo

Satisfactory Essays

n the excerpt Cujo, the author uses third person omniscient to create suspense so the reader can play god. One example of suspense is in paragraph 14,it states" And the dog seemed to know. His terrible,thoughtless eyes never left Donna Trenton's wide blue ones. He paced forward slowly,almost languidly." the author is showing that cujo knew what he was doing. another example is in paragraph 13, it states " She couldn't seem to move.No breath.Dead low tide in her lungs." This shows us that she shocked of what she was seeing. Lastly, another example is in paragraph 30 the author uses third person omniscient to show suspense by saying"She saw the dog's tail and the top of its broad back over the hood of the Pinto.It was going around to Tad's side

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