
Examples Of Tolerance In Necttar In A Sieve

Decent Essays

Collins dictionary defines “A foible is a characteristic which someone has and is considered rather strange, foolish or bad but which is also considered unimportant.”
It is the capacity to endure continued subjection to something such as a drug or environmental conditions. In the technical sense, it is the ability or willingness to accept the existence of opinions or behaviour that one dislikes or disagrees with.
Tolerance of foibles:-
In life, we have to tolerate foibles of many others; but this tolerance may be a blessing or a curse, depending upon the situation. The present article studies the tolerance of Rosie in R.K.Narayan’s The Guide and Rukmani in Kamala Markandaya’s Nectar in a sieve. It tries to show how their tolerance …show more content…

She wants to become a great dancer. In addition she possesses a master’s degree in economics. She has a lot of focus about her future. She sees an advertisement. It states that a man wants a bride with good looking and university education. He is a man of high society and has academic interests. There are no restrictions of caste for the marriage. Rosie is impressed by the advertisement and excited to see Marco. Both of them have discussions before agreeing to marry each other. Finally she marries Marco who turns to be ‘an apparent gazer at cave paintings’. Rosie’s hope of higher social status is enhanced by her marriage; unfortunately she comes to know that he is impotent and priggish .To her disappointment, she finds that he devotes himself to scholastic pursuits like deciphering art and paintings in the remote …show more content…

Rukmani in Kamala Markandaya’s Nectar in a sieve:
M. K. Bhatnagar in his essay, ”Kamala Markandaya-The insider -outsider “says,
“The protagonist-narrator Rukmani is caught in a hard peasant life; the vagaries of nature.”
Rukmani, the heroine of Kamala Markandaya’s Nectar in a sieve is a poor peasant woman and the whole novel depicts the common dilemmas of misfortunes faced by ordinary peasants particularly the tenant farmers. Rukmani has to face a lot of hardships; but she remains spiritually stoic and strong as in the case of Rosie, because of the traditional attitudes and beliefs.

Rukmani’s childhood marriage:-
Rukmani is the fourth daughter out of six children of the village headman. The other three are Shanta, Padmini and Thangam. As a young woman, she has her own dream of having a grand wedding for herself. Unfortunately under the British rule her father’s prestige ‘was much diminished’. Her parents cannot afford the dowry for a more financially stable bridegroom. She is married at the age of twelve only to an illiterate and landless tenant farmer, Nathan. After the marriage, she travels in a bullock cart to reach her husband’s home. To her bewilderment and disappointment she sees only a mud hut for them to dwell in. Her dreams of a prosperous and grand life are shattered. She tries to conceal her disappointment and discomfort by saying “This mud hut, nothing but mud and thatch, was my home.” Her fear and fright vanish when she learns that the mud hut is built with

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