
Examples Of Transcendentalism

Decent Essays

The idea that nature and humankind, and god are all interconnected, people are inherently good and should follow their own beliefs, and that the truth exist beyond reason and experience can be considered Transcendentalism. These beliefs can be found in the poetry of famous poets like Bryant, Holmes, Lowell, Longfellow, and Emerson. As a literary movement Transcendentalism conveyed an optimistic viewpoint that celebrated individual experience and nature. Some poets from the 19th Century would use optimistic viewpoints of Transcendentalism in the writing to get their point through. In one of Lowell’s poem “The First Snow-Fall” he states “Flake by flake, healing and hiding The scar that renewed our woe.” (31) Lowell has the speaker thinking of the death of his daughter. The speaker does not let the incident affect him or his daughter. The dad has his optimistic viewpoint which lets him not face that fact that his daughter is not with him no more. In the well scripted poem by William Cullen Bryant “Thanatopsis” …show more content…

This is why some writers would use examples of this topic in their writing. In Lowell's “The first Snow Fall” the speaker says “Darling, the merciful Father Alone can make it fall!”(35) Lowell is implying that God is the only one that can heal a person. In Bryant's “To a Waterfowl”, States “ There is a Power whose care Teaches thy way along that pathless coast.”(13) The speaker is trying to say that god leads the bird throughout his journey. The speaker represents himself to the bird as he is also going to tough times. Also in “To a Waterfowl” the speaker says “In the long way that I must tread alone, Will lead my steps aright.”(32) God has lead the waterfowl on his entire journey to his destination. Many people did not realize that god played a huge impact in their lives at this time. God is able to be in everybody's lives without them knowing or have a clue about

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