
What Are Holden's Universal Truths

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Holden Caulfield, the main protagonist in the Catcher in the Rye is a confused teenage boy, that judges people who seem to be not genuine. Throughout the novel, Holden presents to readers, many universal truths about a human’s daily life. All of these universal truths led readers to believe that, Holden acknowledges and appreciates people who are authentic and not fake. Holden recognizes that money creates a barrier in society which makes humans become phony. Holden describes how his roommate felt embarrassed of his inexpensive suitcases “It isn’t important, I know, but I hate it when somebody has cheap suitcases…You think if they’re intelligent and all, the other person, and have a good sense of humor, that they don’t give a damn whose suitcases …show more content…

Dick is playing the game of life so he can fit in with the rest of the wealthier kids at his school. This infuriates Holden because his roommate shouldn’t have impressed anyone with the number of items he has. The two boys liked each other, but they started to have problems when money was involved. After this situation happened, Holden has always shared a room with a person he disliked and they both had the same amount of money. Holden praises successful people who are distinct. Holden mentions to readers about his favorite record, “It was a very old, terrific record that this colored girl singer, Estelle Fletcher, made about twenty years ago…and it was one of the best records I ever heard” (128). By singing the song a different way than a typical girl would, it shows that Estelle Fletcher is original. She does not care about what people think and she is going to sing her song the way she wants to. She is not going to be influenced by the radio or the television. Estelle is more focused on her craft and is not influenced by money. Throughout the book, Holden mentions successful people who are just influenced by the money are considered fake to

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