
Examples Of Vagueness And Ambiguity

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The “Vagueness and Ambiguity” section! This article in The Washington Post, again by law professor Volokh , is something he is evidently quite proud of, but pathetically just throws his fabled “dictionary commonness” as the grand “prime directive” in controlling a society. It is his self-important campaign to push, actually hugely increase the dictionary’s schizophrenic platform, which we assume is what his brain functions from. While it might be that old “chicken or egg” thing as to which came first, the result is the same: his need to get you to believe that words should be non-distinct, indeterminate, have multiple official meanings, as that is what he does to “his” law students year after year. That is the law professor’s M.O., their law school indoctrination and the obsessiveness of their psychology. By the way, this is endemic in law professors; any …show more content…

Anyway, here is the intro. Legal Theory Lexicon 051: Vagueness and Ambiguity Introduction This week the Legal Theory Lexicon entry focuses on "ambiguity" and "vagueness"--two important [!] concepts of the theory of interpretation. Some legal texts are ambiguous--they can have two or more distinct meanings. And some legal texts are vague--they use concepts that have indefinite application to particular cases. And some legal texts are both vague and ambiguous--they have multiple meanings, some (or all) of which have indefinite applications. Because "vagueness" and "ambiguity" are basic concepts in the theory of interpretation, it's significant to master each of them and to see the dispute between them. As always, this entry in the Legal Theory Lexicon is aimed at law students, especially first-year law students, with an interest in legal theory. Hopefully… you didn’t miss their clarion call to mankind,

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