The topic that I plan to focus on for this particular writing assignment is the event of Pearl Harbor. Pearl Harbor is a harbor in Oahu, Hawaii that is the location of a major naval base, but during World War II the Japanese surprised the United States with a bombing of Pearl Harbor. This particular event fascinates me in various ways. One major reason I am intrigued by this topic is I personally am in the military and this is a particular event that rarely happens, and that is a full on military attack on United States soil. Another reason is because it helped to unite the American people behind going to war and eliminate the Japanese for causing this tragedy. I know a few things from common knowledge about this topic. Some information that I know about Pearl Harbor is it was the first major scale attack on United States soil since the Civil War. I know that is was early …show more content…
One of those things would be understanding more of the details on exactly what happened on the morning of the Pearl Harbor bombing. I also will need to research exactly how the American people and the current President reacted to this after the information had spread back to the rest of the United States. The intended purpose of this paper is to help me personally and the reader get a better understanding on what happened on the horrific day Pearl Harbor was bombed, as well as how United States was able to triumph from this tragedy. The intended audience is anybody who is interested in this event or how America reacted to the bombing. This topic is so important to the history of the United States, as it was a major wake up call for America and saw the United States unite like never before. The main reason is men and women in the military died on the horrific morning, as well as the military personnel that died getting justice for Pearl Harbor deserve to be remembered and talked
The Japanese understood the Ultimatum as if any circumstances they choose not to surrender, the termination would lead the country to face the brutality and a major lost which was stated above. Secretary of War Henry L. Stimson had established a decision that the atomic bomb would be the “least abhorrent choice” that will be dropped above the city of Hiroshima and Nagasaki as its priority and weighs the value the lives of honourable soldiers attacked without a trace. Also the military advisers
The event, Pearl Harbor, where Japan bombed and shot at U.S.’s battleships changed the lives of all people in the United States,
I will be talking about 9/11 and Pearl harbor. This paper will be interesting for me and for you as well. I didn't know much of or about 9/11 or pearl harbor but now I do. I will be explaining how the attacks on 9/11 and pearl harbor are similar,how the presidential responses were similar,and explaining how class, culture, religious affiliation, and notions of superiority compared to each other.
The main focus on this essay is “Why Did Japan Attack Pearl Harbor?”. On a normal Sunday morning when the American navy units were busy doing their normal routine work, the Japanese navy planned a surprise attack that stunned the world. This attack was so unpredictable that the entire American navy went in deep shock. Very few of them realized the need to manage and control their position to save the naval power. All the staff and ships that were present at the Pearl Harbor suffered massive loss. Just a couple of hours of bombing gave the Pearl Harbor, a battlefield view with fire and smoke emerging from every corner. The attack left American navy at a loss of 2400 of her best men as well as 21 ships that were either sunk or completely demolished.
Both Pearl Harbor and 9/11 are tragic events in United States history, that will likely be remember in American history by even the least historically educated of the American populace and likely much of the rest of the world too. Both events were surprise attacks on American soil and both led to a fervor of patriotism from the American people to get revenge for those that died in the attacks. This paper will compare and contrast the two events, while providing a basic outline of the events and affects the two had on American society, in both the immediate and long term.
Imagine, sleeping in your bunk on the USS Arizona just after 8:00 am, when suddenly the ship begins to call general quarters. This is what it was like for the crew of the USS Arizona, the USS California, and the USS Missouri. The attack on Pearl Harbor was underway by just before 8:00 am on December 7th 1941. For my research paper, I will talk about the attack on Pearl Harbor and how it changed the course of history. I will discuss the general information on the attack on Pearl Harbor, the course of attack that the Japanese made, the power of air forces, the defense of Pearl Harbor, and how the attack changed the course of history.
“Yesterday, December 7, 1941 - a date which will live in infamy . . .” These famous lines were spoken the day after the attack on Pearl Harbor. President Franklin D. Roosevelt gave this speech to the U.S. Congress on December 8, 1941. Many criticized the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, but the decision to attack America was wisely made. The Americans were going to enter the war sooner or later, and on the allies’ side. The attack on Pearl Harbor would hurt the United States’ strongest defense and kill many Americans. This was the first terrorist attack on the United States, by another country, which came as a total shock to many people.
In Pearl Harbor and the Coming of the Pacific War by Akira Iriye, the author explores the events and circumstances that ended in the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, an American naval base. Iriye assembles a myriad of primary documents, such as proposals and imperial conferences, as well as essays that offer different perspectives of the Pacific War. Not only is the material in Pearl Harbor and the Coming of the Pacific War informative of the situation between Japan and the United States, but it also provides a global context that allows for the readers to interpret Pearl Harbor and the events leading up to it how they may. Ultimately, both Pearl Harbor and the subsequent Pacific War between
Introduction On December 7th of 1941 one of the most critical events on America’s history occurred, the surprise attack by the Japanese on Pearl Harbor, which brought the United States into the Second World War and changed the course of history (Gordon). This occurrence marked history due to the lack of explanation given by the Japanese at the time. To this day the reasoning behind their attack is still unknown. 1939 is a fundamental year, which marks the start of World War II.
so that all could be watched by a few men. This sort of thinking was
President Franklin D. Roosevelt delivered his war speech and asserted December 7, 1941 as, “a date which will live in infamy.” The United States’ naval bases stationed in Pearl Harbor, Hawaii were struck by Japanese planes intentionally and promptly. The news of this attack on the Pearl Harbor shocked the world. It was devastating to the nation that were still in the throes of depression. Witnesses of this event painted a portrait of a nation stunned, but determined to rise again. The United States’ government had not disclosed a Pearl Harbor story to the public--that the U.S. had failed to act on advance information about a planned Japanese attack. Japan 's move against the United States was audacious enough to be considered no more than a slight possibility, although the potential for an attack had been widely discussed.
World War II was a war that everyone will remember and will be remembered for many years to come. It could even be said that it killed more people, destroyed more property, and had far more reaching effects than any other war in history. New technologies were used in the war, such as the Atomic bomb, which opened up the nuclear age. Pearl Harbor was one of those events that will never be forgotten by Americans. Pearl Harbor was especially memorable to America because that caused us to get involved in the war and it outraged everyone in the country. The United States played a key role in the war. The bombing of Pearl Harbor was a major turning point in World War II.
December 7, 1941 was one of America’s darkest days. This was the day of the famous pearl harbor bombing. This attack came from the Japanese attacking the American Naval base in Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. The attack had been in the planning for many years to attack and weaken the United States Naval force. Japan wanted to do this to gain more superiority in the Atlantic and to grow their ties with European nations. In this paper I will talk about the people, the planning, the attack, and the aftermath of the Pearl Harbor bombing.
"Yesterday, December 7, 1941, a day which will live in infamy, the United States of America, was suddenly and deliberately attacked by Naval and Air Forces of the Empire of Japan," delivered by Franklin D. Roosevelt is regarded as one of the most important speeches given in US History to date. The speech was delivered to the State of the Union marking the United States' entrance into the Second World War against Japan and Germany.
December 7, 1941, was one of the worst attacks on the United States in U.S. history. Of that day 2,403 soldiers were killed in action, 1,178 were wounded in action. Numerous U.S. armed forces personnel were misjudged, which allowed the Japanese to carry out this terrible attack. Not only did the Japanese hit the U.S. where they knew it would hurt the most, but it crippled the United States’ entire Pacific Fleet.