
Existentialism : Existentialism And Existentialism

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The value of your life isn 't really something that can be measured. Some people consider your life more valuable than others, and some vise-versa. Your parents love you, and would trade everything they own to save your life, but the majority of people wouldn 't do the same. Although Your life may hold more value to some humans than others, but how much is your life actually worth, and what gives your life its value?

There are two main viewpoints that answer this question; Nihilism and Existentialism. (There are 4 kinds of nihilism, and we will be focusing on one of them, called Existential Nihilism). To a nihilist, life itself is intrinsically, fundamentally and inherently meaningless, and is nothing but a dynamic chemical …show more content…

To most of us, freedom sounds pretty great, but existentialists think that we, as humans, are painfully, shockingly free. After all, if there are no guidelines for our actions, then each of us is forced to design our own moral code, to invent our own morality to live by. You might think that there 's some authority to look to for answers, but all of the authorities you can think of are fake. Although you can do what your parents say, or your church, or your government, but those authorities are, in fact, just people like you - people who don 't have any answers, people who had to figure out themselves how to live. This means that humans are condemned to be free, a fate which to some people seem pretty upsetting. So the best thing you can do for your life is live authentically, you are obligated accept the full weight of your freedom in light of the world 's lack of predetermined meaning, and you must recognize that any meaning your life has is given to it by you.
This all means that, if you believe in existentialism, whenever you make a choice, say, to either join either a football team or a soccer team, your final choice, no matter what it is, is the only true choice there is, provided that you make it authentically, because it was determined by the values you chose to accept.

What 's the point? Why did I choose to write this? I can justify doing so with the hopes that it will

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