
Expanding the FMLA in CAlifornia Essay

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Problem Identification
Every day in California, working men and women face conflicts between their work responsibilities and their families. In order to work they must make arrangements for their children and elderly family members who need assistance. They address these conflicts through a variety of child-care, after-school, and eldercare arrangements. But sometimes when a child is seriously ill, an aging parent’s health deteriorates suddenly, or a baby is born or adopted, these daily arrangements are no longer adequate. At such times of family need, an employee simply must take time off from work because no alternative care arrangements will do. That is why in 1993, Congress passed the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA), which was …show more content…

That is why expanding the law to cover businesses with 25-49 employees would give 13 million more Americans the right to take FMLA leave. The National Partnership for Women & Families has analyzed the most recent available employment data to show what this expansion would mean for California. If California were to somehow expand the FMLA coverage to businesses with 25-49 employees it would make the following differences.

Size of Employer (# of employees)
Private Sector 50+ 25 - 49 Total (25+)
# Employees covered 5,813,391 1,518,241 7,331,632
% Employees covered 55.5% 14.5% 70.0%
# Employers covered 37,145 50,109 87,254
% Employers covered 4.1% 5.5% 9.6%

If this proposition were to be made, California would rank 1st in the nation for the number of people newly covered by the FMLA, giving 1,518,241 more people in California the right to take FMLA leave. An additional 14.5% of California's private employees would be newly covered by the FMLA, and 70% of all employees in California's private

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