
Experiencing Depression Throughout Life Essay

Decent Essays

Does the average person experience depression throughout their life?

Introduction In psychology, depression is a mental illness in which a person experiences deep, unshakable sadness and diminished interest in nearly all activities, it involves disturbances in emotion(Encarta). Depression is among the most common mental illnesses. About 8 percent of adults in the United States experience serious depression through out their lives (Encarta). Women are about three times more likely to be depressed than men (Encarta). The illness could come on slowly, then get progressively worse over time, or it could come on suddenly in weeks or even days ( Encarts). Depression would cause a person to be sad all of the time and they …show more content…

These lines are quoted from the British Medical Journal Feb,13 1999 (David A Kessler; Keith Loyd; Glyn Lewis; Denis pereira Gray).This study suggest that psychologist, when diagnosing a patient with depression symptoms, may misdiagnose may under diagnosis the patient . The functioning and well-being of depressed patients, a medical outcome study of 11,242 out patients determined that “patients with either current depressive disorder or depressive symptoms in the absence of disorder tended to have worse physical, social, and role functioning, worse perceived current health, and greater bodily pain that did patients with no chronic conditions.” (Kenneth B. Wells, MD, MPH; Anita Stewart, PhD; Ron D. Hays, PhD; M.Audrey Burnham, PhD; William Rogers, PhD; Marcia Daniels, MD; Sandra Berry, Ms;Sheldon Greenfield, MD; John Ware, PhD). Does the average person go through phases of depression throughout their life? Does everyone experience depression but maybe they just have a different way of dealing with it ? Is what psychologist call a psychology depressed deal with anxiety and stress. Some people may actually mask their depression with alcohol. American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse, did a study on anxiety and alcohol in patients in treatment for depression. The chief findings of the study was that “[w]hen anxiety is a significant component for a

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