
Explain The Fundamental Patterns Of Knowing In Nursing Practice

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The Fundamental Patterns of Knowing and
Applications to Nursing Practice The field of nursing consists of treatment, prevention, and education of illnesses to promote better and optimized health. A nurse operates in a dynamic environment where culture, social, and economic arrangements must be considered and calculated into the health care plan implemented. The values of the nursing organization serve as the foundation for the philosophy of nursing in which drive the behaviors practiced as practicing nurses. The intent of this paper is to better understand the historical patterns of knowing, how the patterns of knowing interrelate, and how the patterns of knowing impact nursing practice.
Literature Review Barbara Carper identified the science of nursing, the moral knowledge of nursing, the knowledge of …show more content…

The relationship between the nurse and patient can vary in intimacy and strength but each relationship provides valuable insights to the necessity of health for others (Carper, 1978). In addition, a relationship with self is equally important as that relationship is influenced by relationship of others and to the relationship of others (Chinn & Kramer, 2011). Values, beliefs, and one’s self-identity all contribute to personal knowing. The importance of personal knowing lies in the understanding of the individual self influences the attitude and behavior both productively and counterproductively. Personal knowing depends on information gathered from self-awareness and the connections built within relationships (Smith-Stoner, 2011). This fundamental of knowing can be difficult because the knowing of self is interdependent in observations and feedback from other people. This process is dynamic and can be ever changing because as the relationships within the individual environment changes the beliefs and values of the self could change as

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