
Explain Why College Athletes Should Be Paid Essay

Decent Essays

How would you feel if you were on your own, given a place to sleep, are working hard at school and in a physical activity, but were never given any wage for how hard you worked physically, and going to bed almost emaciated? The sad truth is that this actually is the case for some college students playing sports. Do you think that college athletes should be paid? This was the article that I chose to read. These college students at no time collect any type of salary for working hard for other people. I feel that these college students never should go to bed hungry, and should be paid for being on their college's sports teams. Being on a college team is kind of a big deal, next to being on a national team. It broke my heart to hear this statement in the article, “‘There are… nights that I go to bed and I'm starving,’ Shabazz Napier, a star point guard for the University of Connecticut, told reporters last spring before he was drafted by the Miami Heat.” Starvation is a real problem for people here in America, as well as around the globe. In some cases, the parents work extremely hard in their jobs, and still don’t make enough to even feed themselves. These college students aren’t making anything at all. We have all this money to spend on hunger, poverty, and other problems around the globe, but we can’t see that same …show more content…

They work so hard, and don’t have any time for any other jobs. I know that most college students work two to three jobs, but since these students were working full time with their sports and with their education, these students have zero amounts of time to work at the minimum one job that won’t even cover enough to eat, much less help pay themselves off of their college debt. I know, because my mom had to work three jobs in college. It’s so upsetting because these people really do want to continue on with what they love, and practice, but have to pay a price for it. I do not think it is

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