
Explain Why I Want To Be A Reader

Decent Essays

“You do not want to be a good reader. You want to be a patient reader.”
My writing professor’s words stuck with me like superglue. I suddenly realized that I had been approaching reading the wrong way. As an English major, reading consumed my entire life, and I wholly welcomed the flood of books; however, my book enthusiasm sometimes wore out. I would read so fast in order to keep up with my classes, and by the end, I would only obtain half of the storyline and a few random quotes and details. For my personal, recreational reading, I usually read as fast as I could and solely focused on the plot and characters. I would often miss out on so many profound phrases and sentences because of my fast reading tendencies.
Before my professor said those wise words to me, I had been quite frustrated with my reading life. I would read and read until my eyesight turned blurry, yet I was speed reading. With websites like BuzzFeed and Goodreads, I kept adding books to my to-read shelf and constantly found inspiration to read. College also forced me to read profusely. I never stopped loving reading, but I began to fall fast into a sea of exhaustion and …show more content…

One should never put a time limit or quantity count on greatness. Greatness is never manufactured; it is revealed. I want to read each book as if I am looking for buried treasure; I want to get lost in a forest of beautiful, potent words. It is so much more fulfilling and enjoyable to focus on quality rather than quantity. If it takes me a year to read just one book because I am so enraptured by the brilliant writing, so be it. I would rather read one amazing book than fifty mediocre ones. A competent, enthusiastic reader is not a person who reads quickly and abundantly; it is the person who takes each page one sentence, one phrase, one word at a

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