
Explanatory Synthesis : Education And Career

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Explanatory Synthesis: education and career The need to get a job should never be the major objective of attending school. The need to go to school must be driven by the internal push to understand the political, social and economic issues that affect humanity. The attachment of the self-actualization to the dream job and academic achievement is misplaced and must never be part of the motivation in modern learning institutions. Students, parents and education specialists have for a long time instilled in the ongoing students that they should focus on learning to get the dream jobs once they complete education. Education should prepare students to seek jobs that aim at creating a better society rather than acquiring wealth and becoming …show more content…

The evil does not start in the office with the CEO signing corrupt deals with the multinational companies; it starts right from the day the parent reminds the child of working hard at school to achieve certain social and economic class. The environment where one grows plays a primary role in shaping the future of society. Failure to tell the students the main reason for acquiring the education for many years is likely to make them lose track of what they should achieve in life. So what are the reasons for going to school? To begin with, learning is a continuous process throughout life and that one should never be contented with whatever he has learned; on the other hand, education equips people with the necessary skills needed to solve the problems facing modern society. Finally, education connects the past and the present to predict the future. Whichever way one takes it, education has nothing to do with securing a job. In the essence, after one has acquired education, he is ready to use the knowledge to solve problems that face society. Among the problems are formulating economic and social policies, contributing to the political development and planning for the future of the people. As such, the education helps to develop the general well-being of society. Morcke, Dornan, and Eika, (2013), "asserts that education is the key to success in life." This assertion has been misinterpreted across

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