
Exploratory Study In Nursing

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Garcia, A., Whitehead, D., & Winter, H. S. (2015). Oncology nurse’s perception of cancer pain: A qualitative exploratory study. Nursing Praxis In New Zealand, 31(1), 27-33.
This article focuses on the study of an oncology nurse perception of patients with cancer and their perception of how to help with these patients’ pain levels. These findings are related to nurse’s interventions for a patient suffering in pain. The nurse should educate the patient about unreported pain. The nurse can help with psychological interventions to help with the environment by adjusting temperature in a room or providing a distraction such as books or the TV. With this study, nurses should be educated on appropriate resources to help these patients who are suffering with pain.
Gélinas, C., Arbour, C., Michaud, C., Robar, L., & Côté, J. (2013). Patients and ICU nurses' perspectives of non-pharmacological interventions for pain management. Nursing …show more content…

J., Courtens, A. M., Zwakhalen, S. G., van Kleef, M., & de Witte, L. P. (2015). Self-management support intervention to control cancer pain in the outpatient setting: a randomized controlled trial study protocol. BMC Cancer, 15416. doi:10.1186/s12885- 015-1428-1
This article focus on the study focused on outpatient patients to help self manage and improve cancer pain. Patients need order to easily access information about pain and pain medications. Patients need to educate about the side effects with the oral medications they take for pain. This article focuses on influencing technology on helping the patient have access to information about pain using their iPad or computers. This article also discussed about nurse’s text messaging the patients about medications to help the patient control their pain.
Hökkä, M., Kaakinen, P., & Pölkki, T. (2012). A systematic review: non-pharmacological interventions in treating pain in patients with advanced cancer. Journal Of Advanced Nursing, 68(1), 1954-1969.

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