
Exploring Your Area Of Interest

Satisfactory Essays

Week 4 Assignment: Explore Your Area of Interest
Scott Leonard Burgess
Northcentral University: EDU 8000
October 23, 2016

Explore Your Area of Interest
When researching there are many times when an individual is able to research about a topic they are interested in researching. In all actuality, there are many topics an individual can chose from, but narrowing down which is the best topic can be a challenge because most individuals have many interests that accompany their life, but finding one topic is a challenge. Each individual has their daily life that will provide topics of interest, their work life, their academic life, their family life, their social life, and all of these areas can draw upon some interest that could be researched and furthered. Therefore, the topics of this research are to describe my topic of interest, what are key words along how they can help with searches, what words I used for my searches, what search limiters are along with how they helped with searches, what search limiters I used, describe what peer reviewed articles are along with how peer reviewed articles are important, and comment on what I learned from two of the resources from the NCU Library. First, it should be mentioned how Kuh and Gonyea (2015) explained the library has many valuable resources to offer when researching about a topic, whether it be physical or through database searches. I have found this true with my topic of interest because I enjoy to research

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