
Question 2. Review The Scholarly Literature Within The

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Review the scholarly literature within the field of your program specialization related to your proposed (or School-approved) dissertation topic. Analyze the reviewed literature to determine what is already known about your proposed (or School-approved) dissertation topic and what remains unknown. Synthesize your findings and evaluate how a study on your proposed (or School-approved) dissertation topic could be designed to advance the scholarly research in this area while maintaining ethical research requirements.

Literature Review

The purpose of this paper is to present a literature review on the school-approved dissertation topic: "How do foster parents describe the experiences and engagement in family …show more content…

Studies about FPM in the foster care system indicates that engagement is an important component to achieving permanency for foster children (Boldis, & Tomlinson, 2014; Crampton, Usher, Wildfire, Webster, & Cuccaro-Alamin, 2011). It has been demonstrated that FPM increases biological family members ' participation in permanency planning (Crampton, Usher, Wildfire, Webster, & Cuccaro-Alamin, 2011; Gladstone et al., 2012; Montserrat, L?pez, Bravo, & del Valle, 2013). Permanency is more likely to be long term when biological families are active members of the FPM (Balsells, Pastor, Mateos, Vaquero, & Urrea, 2015; Boldis, & Tomlinson, 2014; Crampton, Usher, Wildfire, Webster, & Cuccaro-Alamin, 2011; Steen, & Duran, 2013). However, there is a gap in research on FPM and permanency planning through the team approach of decision-making that is inclusive of foster parents. The school-approved topic is "How do foster parents describe the experiences and engagement in family partnership meetings and permanency planning?" This study looks to expand on the concept of foster parents as professional members of a multidisciplinary team through their engagement in FPM and permanency planning.

Role Theory

Role theory is a

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