
Exploring the Different Theories Involved in the Mind and Body Problem

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Exploring the Different Theories Involved in the Mind and Body Problem

I will attempt to do this by firstly defining what the mind and body is secondly discussing what the mind and body problem is. Thirdly discussing the existing approaches to the problem and finally discussing the strengths and weaknesses of the approaches.

The body is that which we perceive ourselves to be with our senses. It usually includes arms, legs a head and so on.

The mind is that which is responsible for one’s thoughts and feelings, the seat of the faculty of reason.

What is the mind and body problem? We have a conception of at least 2 different kinds of things that exist in the world mental and physical here …show more content…

The mind-body problem arises out of this view, because if mind-body have nothing in common, then in what way can they be said to interact.

One way is Dualism In philosophy of mind, dualism is a set of beliefs which begins with the claim that the mental and the physical have a fundamentally different nature. Dualism has been the driving force behind the mind-body problem and has been by far the majority view until recently partially due to the influence of Descartes he claimed that the pineal gland was the interface between the mind and the rest of the brain. Whether Dualism is correct one way to explain how the mental interacts with the material is dualistic interactionism which is also Cartesian dualism, arguably the most popular and widespread version, mind events can cause physical events and vice versa. This leads to the most substantial claim against Cartesian dualism- the Cartesian gap. How can an immaterial mind cause anything in a material body and vice versa. This is called the “problem of interactionism” Descartes himself struggled to come up with a feasible explanation for the problem. One supporter of Dualism is David Chalmers He says “Human kind has grown up with dualism, we are all naturally dualists: the mechanistic basis of our thoughts is invisible

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