
Essay on Extreme Tendency to Fall Asleep Wherever or Narcolepsy

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As the young mother and her child await the daughters test results the anxiety arises. The doctor enters the room with a disappointing look on his face and hands the mother the test results. It states Narcolepsy as the diagnosis. The mother begins to have tears roll down her face. Her daughter has Narcolepsy, which before this day she had never heard of. From this day on her and her daughter’s life will be changed.
Overview of Disease
Narcolepsy is a chronic neurological disorder affecting the part of the brain that regulates sleep (Robinson and Segal, 2013). Unlucky people who are diagnosed with this disease may have to deal with excessive daytime sleepiness and sudden loss of muscle control. These are usually brought on …show more content…

Narcoleptics believe it can end in dangerous situations. Narcoleptics can unfortunately also suffer from nighttime wakefulness. Night time wakefulness includes hot flashes, elevated heart rate and even maybe intense alertness. The final symptom that any people diagnosed with Narcolepsy suffer from is Rapid entry into REM sleep. Narcoleptics have unique sleep cycles where he or she may enter the REM or dream phase of sleep right after falling asleep, whereas most people take about 90 minutes to enter REM. Therefore, you’ll experience the characteristics of REM sleep (vivid dreams and muscle paralysis) at the beginning of sleep, even if that sleep is during the day (Robinson and Segal, 2013).
The exact beginning cause of narcolepsy is not yet discovered by scientists, but most believe that it is caused by genetics and an environmental trigger. Scientists have discovered that people with narcolepsy are lacking in hypocretin (also called orexin), a chemical in the brain that activates arousal and regulates sleep. Narcoleptics generally do not have as many Hcrt cells (neurons that secrete hypocretin), inhibiting his or her ability to fully control alertness, which accounts for his or her tendency to fall asleep (Robinson and Segal, 2013). The scientists are working on ways to increase Narcoleptics Hcrt cells to reduce the symptoms that they suffer from. Many people with narcolepsy are often, if not always, misdiagnosed or not even

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