
Eye Of The Tiger Research Paper

Decent Essays

Eye of The Tiger

When I was age four, my mom and I read the Encyclopedia of Animals together. Turning through one by one, she pointed to the pictures of the animals like adelie penguin and African Bush elephant, the adelie penguin I always remembered mostly because it’s name was brought down to a few coherent syllables as I was too young to say adelie correctly. The book eventually became my favorite thing to become transfixed with when it came time to read. I refused other books if I did not see the distinct tiger on the cover. Later on my mom noticed my added interest in stuffed animals and the neighbors’ dogs and cats. Today, I have concluded that my literacy of animals blossomed from the Encyclopedia of Animals. Skipping ahead to age seven, I got my first book filled with dog breeds. One, Affenpinscher. Two, Afghan Hound. Three, Airedale Terrier. So on and so forth. I went on memorizing the book and testing my memory every time my mom would walk me to City Park. So …show more content…

Majoring in Animal Science with a concentration in Pre-Veterinary Medicine. Here, I know I can extend my knowledge even more and continue on my track of pursuing my dreams. In a way, books are my major steps to becoming what I want to be in life. Every book I study for my classes and every paper I write about animal cells or what different milk comes from certain cows is a step to me acquiring more knowledge and literacy of animals. I know that my literacy of animals may not be as extensive as as it should be for a veterinarian wanna-be. Some may even say that I am not literate of animals at all. But I do know that through the books and endless hours of the “Animals” interest on I have managed to give myself what I need to know as of now. While knowing the things I do know about animals, I can help an animal sufficiently enough until I can get it to proper care and to me, that means another dog or cat or rabbit

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