
Eye Opener - Original Writing Essay

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Eye Opener It was a sunny afternoon in January, and I was staying the night at a house a couple of streets down, dog sitting for a nice couple I knew. I had previously passed my Certified Nursing Assistant exam, and was feeling elated. I kicked off my shoes and, after properly greeting my two furry fans with some belly rubs, I headed into the bedroom. Sprawling out on the bed, I pulled out my phone to text my family and friends the great news. Suddenly, my phone lit up. It was my dad calling! He must have had today off from work. Feeling giddy enough to literally jump for joy, I quickly answered. He asked how my test went, and I spilled to him all about how the written part was so easy, and I was only a little bit nervous about the clinical part (though, I was really extremely worried the whole time). Then I noticed he got really serious, and seemed a little different. That’s when he dropped the bomb.
“They found a mass in my kidney”, he told me. “And it’s most likely cancer.” Time froze. All of a sudden I couldn’t breathe, and felt tears welling up in my eyes. My chest ached, and when I finally opened my mouth to speak, my voice had gone hoarse. “Cancer?” I croaked, grasping at straws. “Is… Is this a joke?” He let out a halfhearted, broken chuckle. “No, it’s not a joke.” He continued with his story on how he felt a sharp pain in his lower back at work a week or so ago, and went into the hospital to get it checked out. I heard only bits and pieces, as the shadows creeped

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