
Facilitator And Foster Relationship

Satisfactory Essays

Facilitator and CFS, met with client and client’s foster mother to the process of identifying the client and family need and strengths. The cft meeting took place at home. Wrap team asked the client for good news. Client shared that he saw his little sister over the weekend. Foster mother shared that the client and siblings attend a family visit over the weekend with mom. CFS and FF praised the client for sharing and for spend time with his family. Foster mother shared that client was happy to see his other siblings and mother but the meeting was short. Foster mother explained that mother had to leave. FF praised foster mother for taking the client to the visit. FF asked foster mother is she is aware of the next court day. Foster mother shared that the next court day is 11/2/16 and the client will be present. …show more content…

Foster mother agreed to remind the client about the court, got ot be on time and to have a breakfast. Foster explained that she doesn’t want the client to be sleeping at court. FF asked mother is she is aware of the reason of the court. Foster mother shared that this court day is to determined legal guardianship for the client. FF shared that the CSW expressed that mother is fight for the client and siblings. Foster mother expressed that she is aware of mother actions and that she is taking classes to get her children

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