
Nt1310 Unit 6 Self Assessment

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Goal : To assess for suicidal, homicidal intent, to gather psychological history, family, educational and developmental history, to assess client and family needs and strengths, to formulate a clinical diagnosis and complete all necessary assessments tools in order to assist the family in developing and reaching the goals that have been identified.
P: Facilitator and PP met with the client and mother to identify situations and triggers that contribute to the client’s behaviors.
I: This facilitator and PP, met the client and mother in order to open the case and begin the process of identifying client and family needs. FF went over the POC with the family. FF and PP asked client and family for good news. The client shared he didn’t have a good day at school. Client …show more content…

Mother explained that the client studies but takes the exam fast. PP and FF asked if the school makes adjustments for the client since he has an IEP. Mother shared she doesn’t know. PP encouraged mother to talk to the teachers and make sure the client has his academics needs. Mother agreed to talk to the teachers and once CFS comes back from leave he will go to the school too. FF and PP went over family concerns, ways the wrap team can support them and mission statement. Client shared that he would like to improve his grades to participate in a school sport. PP and FF praised the client for wanting to improve his academics and want to participate in a school sport. Mother expressed her mission is to close her case and not reopen. PP praised mother for sharing and wanting to close her case and leave in the pass. Mother expressed concerns over client behavior at home and school. Mother shared that client talks back and doesn’t follow directions at home. Client shared that he doesn’t like to be the only child doing chores at home. Client shared that he gets frustrated and talks back to mother. Mother expressed that she relies on the client a lot to do chores because he is the oldest. PP

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