
Factors Affecting Student Success

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Factors Affecting Student Success in Associate-Degree Nursing Programs Introduction to the Problem The rate of academic attrition is an overwhelming concern that many associate degree nursing programs are facing. Undergraduate nursing program attrition rates continue to increase, despite the high demand for student placement in these programs. High attrition rates in nursing students of as much as 50% have been reported by some schools in certain states (Benn & Pacquiao, 2010). Additionally, as much as one-fourth of nursing students across the country are lost through attrition at some point in their program (Seago, 2012). The problem addressed in this Scholarly Project is this high rate of attrition, specifically in the sciences …show more content…

Just like any college student, not all nursing students are well primed to shift to such a difficult pathway. Much research has been done which has focused on causes of attrition in ADN programs. Much of this research has studied the predictability of the relationship between multiple academic and non-academic factors attributable to academic success as an ADN student, as measured by grades and attrition. With a specific focus on reviewing the prerequisite sciences, the literature search revealed a fissure in knowledge as it relates to ascertaining prerequisite biological science courses as being statistically predictive indicators of ADN students’ academic success (Griffiths, Bevil, O’Connor, & Wieland, 1995; Jordan & Reid, 1997; Potolsky, Cohen, & Saylor, 2003; Seago, Keane, Chen, Spetz, & Grumbach, 2012; Wong & Wong, 1999). Pathophysiology and pharmacology are both required courses within an associate degree nursing program. Due to the highly difficult science-intensive and quantity-intensive nature of these courses, it is often placed somewhere in the middle of the 2-year program in order to ease students into the nursing curriculum at the beginning of the program yet with the purpose of this to develop a student’s competency of pathophysiology and pharmacology early enough in the program to apply directly to safe patient care during scheduled clinical experiences. Due to the difficulty and intensity of these

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