
Factors That Influence The Development Of Mobile Payments

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More and more people before deciding to purchase goods used to check offers via smartphones or tablets. The world 's total number of sales of such devices exceeded the number of desktops.[1] Technological development and high availability of new solutions contributed to the increase in customer expectations to its relations with the bank. The ability to use the money anywhere, anytime in an easy and convenient way for customers has become natural. Mobile payments is big innovation which has some a lot of good coins but it has some threats and limitations about which I will consider and analyze in my literature review.



The aim of the study is to evaluate the factors that influence the development of mobile payments, their strengths and barriers to development. I will present several key factors such as the impact on the environment and culture mobile payment changing environment, business or rapidly progressive changes in technology and relevant regulations and quite often set of new standards. I will discuss technical aspects such as safety and confidence in mobile payments, which is still not too high. So in the beginning it should be clarified what mobile payments are. Mobile payments also called m-payments are non-cash payments made by mobile device like smartphone or tablet and use mobile technologies such as. SMS, NFC, USSD, WAP. If we want to use mobile payments we

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