
Fahrenheit 451 Analysis

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In Fahrenheit 451, Ray Bradbury describes a world where all of his characters think books are as deadly as weapons. The main character, Montag is a firefighter, and his job is burn books. In real life, books are used for gaining knowledge, such as how to build or create something, or just for entertainment, but books do not have a purpose in the story and cause terrible problems. They are not only viewed as evil, but they are also against the law because people might feel differently on issues and they would argue and create hostility. So the government ended up making books against the law so everyone felt the same. Books were viewed as dangerous items due to the punishment for being caught with one. As the story progressed, Montag started to realize that books were packed with interesting information. At the final point in the novel, Montag is against the law. He loves books and would do almost anything to distribute them and does not care about the consequences. regardless of the law. If we that society can realize that books are not monsters, we they would know so much more. At the beginning of the novel, all books were perceived seen as an illegal items. Montag’s neighbor, Clarise, asked him about his job, “Do you ever read any of the books you burn?”(8). Clarise has a point, why burn the books when you do not even know what is even in them. ? For all they know he knows, there may be the cure to the greatest problem on earth, H however they will never find out know

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