
Fahrenheit 451 And The Chinese Cultural Revolution

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Fahrenheit 451 and the Chinese Cultural Revolution
Frank Harris
Katie Johnson
Honors Literature
December 10, 2015
What do an American science fiction and Chinese history have in common? The novel Fahrenheit 451 and the Chinese Cultural Revolution (1966-1976) have many similarities. Censorship in china was very prevalent during the Chinese Cultural Revolution and still is today. There are many government agencies in china that monitor what citizens see hear and read. The flow of information in china is not free; it is highly regulated, as is the society in Fahrenheit 451. Why would a government censor and burn books? This leads to the second commonality which is to brainwash and better control the people like they are empty-headed robots. Lastly, …show more content…

All news was supplied by the government after a scrubbing of anything anti-government. Religion was looked upon as a means of hostile foreign infiltration. Marxist propaganda depicted Buddhism as superstition, and clergy members were arrested and sent to labor camps. There was heavy military control of the public and violence everywhere during both the Fahrenheit 451 period and Chinese Culture Revolution .The Government in Fahrenheit 451 used firemen to keep the free thinkers in check."1. Answer the alarm swiftly. 2. Start the fire swiftly. 3. Burn everything. 4. Report back to the firehouse immediately. 5. Stand alert for other alarms."(Fahrenheit 451) Firemen burned intellectual’s books to prevent their free thought, often against the government, that comes from books.The government programed the mechanical hound to track and kill any anti-government supporters. Mao Zedong used the military and the Red Guards to keep the populace in check. (Szczepanski, NA). Red Guards carried out acts of violence against their teachers and other intellectuals that were deemed as threats during the Cultural Revolution.(Benedict, NA). No one knows exactly how many people died, one source cited about seven million people died during those years due to the oppressive government. (Schwartz, 2010). Some people were sentenced to death or suicide, some died from imprisonment and hard labor camps, all were part of the ten

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