
Fahrenheit 451 Quote Analysis

Decent Essays

Fahrenheit 451 has a powerful message for readers today because of the similarities between our world and the novel’s world, like why people break the law, how robots change the world, and how books are important in our world and in the world of fahrenheit 451. People break the law just to break the law they want to know if they can get away with it just like when the book reads “ Do you ever read any of the book you burn? He laughed that's against the law” this quote shows that just because it's against the law to read book people do it anyway just to see if the can get away with it because it's illegal. The book also reads “my uncle drove slowly on the highway once. He drove 40 mph and they jailed him for two days” now when people break the …show more content…

The book reads’’Do you know why books such as this are so important? Because they have quality. And what does the word quality mean? To me it means texture. This book has pores.” this quote shows how books mean to him and how every book means something different to them. ‘’There must be something in books, things we can’t imagine, to make a woman stay in a burning house; there must be something there. You don’t stay for nothing.'’ this just shows that books mean something to somebody because nobody would just die for nothing. In my personal experience I know that books are important because when I was little it took me a while to figure out how to read because I didn't like books, books were like vegetables to me but one summer when I got in big trouble My mom made me read books every night. This was a big step up in my life because there were words I had no idea how to pronounce but after awhile I got the hang of it and I really started to enjoy the books because they were really interesting. This show that because of the punishment that my mom chose and the book that I read they have helped me in life by teaching me to read better and enjoy the book that I read. And now I don't think of reading as a punishment but an escape from the real

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