
Fahrenheit 451 Technology Analysis

Decent Essays

Technology is viewed in today’s society as an essential tool for Americans. It allows us to quickly share our ideas with other people and learn about any and everything. Many people use their devices as a source of entertainment. However, there are still some people in our country who use phones and computers as a tool only and still prefer books for knowledge and reading. Ray Bradbury, who is the author of Fahrenheit 451, likes the idea of technology as a way of accessing information but discourages other uses such as spending an obsessive amount of time playing videogames. In Fahrenheit 451 Bradbury uses the motif of technology to point out that our devices can never replace our human love of and need for nature and personal interaction. The society in Fahrenheit 451 does not recognize the dangers of overusing electronic devices. For example, Montag asks his wife Mildred in the parlor, “Will you turn the parlor off?” to which she replies, …show more content…

They are expected to remain with the technology indoors. Montag meets Clarisse near the beginning of the book. A long time after their conversation Montag moves, “And then, very slowly, as he walked, he tilted his head back in the rain, for just a few minutes, and opened his mouth.”(24) Montag soon realizes from the rain that he needs change and that nature needs to be more integrated in his life. The xrain caused him to think, which made him break the law in his mind. This is also shown when Montag escapes from the Mechanical Hound:”Then the lights switched back to the land, the helicopters swerved over the city again, as if they had picked up another trail. They were gone. The Hound was gone. Now there was only the cold river and Montag floating in a sudden peacefulness, away from the city and the lights and the chase, away from everything”(133). Montag escaping from the hound is symbolically showing that nature trumps

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