
Fahrenheit 451 Technology Quotes

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Has anyone ever thought about burring books instead of reading the books? Well guess what there is people that really burn book. In the novel Fahrenheit 451 talks about imagery, and humanity / technology. In Fahreheit451 by Ray Bradbury he uses imagery to talk about humanity and technology. In Fahrenheit451 talks about the mechanical hound this mechanical hound is like a robot that can sense Montag and books. Bradbury states “The mechanical hound slept but did not sleep, live but did not live in its gently humming, gently vibrating, softly illuminated kennel in the dark corner of the firehouse”(Bradbury 21-22). This quote means that the mechanical hound is like a robot at the same time, this robot can smell the books in people’s homes. Another meaning for this quote is that the mechanical hound can help the fireman out because it can smell the books and show the fireman where the books are in the homes. Another quote that talks about the mechanical hound a little bit more is Bradbury states “Three second later the game was done, the rat, the cat, or chicken …show more content…

This means to use you five senses. Bradbury talks ‘Go on said the woman. And Montag felt himself back away and away out the door, after Battey, down the steps, across the lawn, where the path of kerosene lay like the track of some evil sailin” (Bradbury 37). This quote is saying that Montag does not want the house and the women to burn. Battey is trying to make the entire fireman like a robot. Bradbury states “Half an hour later, cold and moving carefully on the tracks, fully aware of his entire body, his face, his mouth, his eyes stuffed with blackness , his ears stuffed with sound, his legs prickled with burrs and nettles, he saw fire ahead”(Bradbury138). This quote means that Montag is a whole new person because he is reading a book. Montag is not really scared when Battey finds out that he has a book. As people can see that is how Montag is

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