City governments are tasked with writing and enforcing zoning laws that define all aspects of private use of property within the city’s district. In order for businesses and other groups to build and use plots, or zones, of land that they own within the city’s district, they must get approval from various city government officials. Failure to meet zoning requirements for the specific use proposed, as interpreted by certain officials, results in denial of the entity from using their land for that purpose. On March 22nd, I attended a meeting of the Salt Lake City Planning Commission (PC). The meeting concerned approving group’s proposed usage of property they own. Specifically, I will write about the Other Side Academy’s (OSA) proposal to build …show more content…
OSA speakers #1-5 bring up a number of points to try and convince the PC that their program is very helpful to people released from prison so that the PC will approve OSA’s request so that they can work on finding a way to fit the program in zoning laws. The OSA model, no medical professionals and focusing on job-training in OSA run businesses, has been very successful in San Francisco. The state of California paid for it and purportedly saved CA 2 Billion dollars on re-incarceration costs, which waste money because many who go to prison go back multiple times, wasting tax payer money. Research has shown the OSA model is the best chance released inmates have of avoiding re-incarceration. They require no government funding because their businesses, primarily a moving company and a food truck, pay for 94% of operation costs and private donations make up the rest; also, they ask no tuition of their students. Their businesses are rated highly, and many students would have to resort to crime instead of going to the OSA. Anecdotes from graduates reemphasize the positive effect OSA has had on their lives, specifically about how they overcame heroin addiction. OSA cleaned up the neighborhood around the academy and helped turn homeless into productive members of society. The OSA is aligned with the Salt Lake City government’s current priorities concerning homeless: develop affordable housing, …show more content…
The meeting resolved the issue of theRuby’s proposal to build townhouses, but the status of the OSA’s expansion is still uncertain. They cleared the first hurdle by having the PC conditionally approve it, but they still need to appeal to the city council to change zoning laws. I learned how zoning laws impact every aspect of use of private property. This includes the proposed usage of each building and the impact all structures have on the flow of foot and car traffic. I also learned all about the good OSA are doing in trying to solve the problems of re-incarceration, homelessness, and drug addiction. I do not feel the meeting should be conducted in a significantly different way. Having STAFF present the proposal from a neutral perspective sets the facts down, so that the representatives of the program can address the concerns of STAFF while also telling the PC their vision and positive impacts of their program is a good order of
While reading HOUSING AUTHORITY &c. v. Johnson, 74 SE 2d 891 - Ga: Supreme Court 1953, I was very perplexed. The record in this case discloses that the redevelopment project here proposed involves 139 acres of land and a population of 5056 persons and 818 dwelling structures *561 together with a number of structures now being used for business purposes. It is proposed to remove all buildings from the area, and thereafter the property "shall be used for light manufacturing or industrial use, warehousing and servicing operations, and related activities." It is further provided that, "said redevelopment plan provides for the ultimate sale or lease of the land acquired in carrying out said redevelopment project to private individuals." Such of
The state will be able to exercise its power of eminent domain where it intends to use the property for public use and will tender just compensation to the owner and prospective purchaser of the property. Both Ms. Owner and Mr. Purchaser’s objections to Madison County’s exercise of eminent domain will fail as a matter of law. The Madison County Council’s decision to deny final permitting for a housing development, as contemplated and contracted for by Mr. Purchaser, voting instead to acquire Ms. Owner’s open land to build sporting and park-related items on the property is most definitely a taking. The Supreme Court has repeatedly held that someone who has been impacted by a taking has
Author Scott Herhold, briefly talks about the importance of why we should not abide to those developers who want the vast land owned by San Jose-Evergreen Community College District. As of now, SJECCD is seeking ways to find funds beyond property taxes to fund Evergreen Valley College. However, there is two sides of this situation, the people who is against it and the people who is up for it. The purpose of the demand from the developers is to expand the shopping district that is nearby EVC. For those who approves it, EVC will be funded $1.5 million a year from leasing the land to the developer. But for those who are against it, they want to use the land for educational purposes such as sports. In addition, there would be an inevitable
The 150 residents of Babcock Place are senior citizens who have gone to the city council to request that a crosswalk of Constitution Avenue. Constitution Avenue is a four lane thoroughfare that leads to the downtown district. The council asked the city planning department to send out an engineer to determine if there was truly a need for a crosswalk. The engineer determined that there was no need for a crosswalk, which upset the residents of Babcock Place along with the Neighborhood Association that supported the residents. The council members were left to determine what measures should be taken next, if any. This paper will look at how the residents of Babcock Place and the city planning department can have influence over the city council’s decision. Also, the paper will address how a public manager’s morals and values can have a direct influence over their decision making process.
Inclusionary zoning requires all developers to produce a percentage of affordable housing units along with the development of market rate units. The goals of the program are to create mixed income neighborhoods; produce affordable housing for a diverse labor force; seek equitable growth of new residents; and increase homeownership opportunities for low and moderate income levels.
1. The place is at City of Whittier, the location is 13230 Penn Street Whittier, CA 90602, and the date I went to go visit was Thursday August 6. It was my first time attending a local governmental meeting. The meeting that was held was titled as The Parking and Transportation Commission. I was glad the topic was on this because I felt keeping our society safe is the most important. So the City Council would do its best to make sure that there would not be hassle while driving on the road way. They try their best to prevent traffic and parking problems. Obviously there is still going to be traffic on the freeways, but they try their best to cause fewer problems for people in the society. The members that were in the meeting would give suggestions or feedback, and recommendations to other board members. Everyone had their own point of view about the Parking and Transportation issue. The Directive was taking a look at the transportation ecological impact reports, future transportation expansion strategies, and school crossing guard sites. I feel like their thoughts were all good, however in my opinion it is not a good idea to use all those recommendations regarding about the issue. The reason for this is because then it would be too costly. I feel that it would be best to just take the best recommendation and then use that as a strategy for traffic flow. In addition, I like the idea of how they need of school crossing guard places is important, because sometimes children do
For example, Historic zoning by the cities is authorized by the state statute for the control of the historic property, including regulation of appearance of neighboring private property. In Bohannon v. City of San Diego, 30 Cal. App. 416, 106 Cal. Rptr. 333 (1973), the appellate court upheld these statues and the ordinances they authorized as a permissible exercise of the police power. When one is seeking to secure adoption of historic preservation ordinance, it is recommended to obtain support of the property owner or at least educate them about the possible advantages of such
On 05-23-2017 at approximately 1625 hours, I was contacted by public works supervisor Jeremy Bustos (TX-DL # 06660917) in reference to a utility water meter violation at 404 W. 3rd Avenue. Upon arrival, I made contact with Bustos, who visually showed me a water hose buried under the ground running from the next trailer over that was connected to city utilities. The trailer had a water hose fitting connected into the trailer that did not have the utilities turned on, therefore bypassing the city's water utility requirements, a violation of the city ordinance. I made contact with Crystal Salinas (TX- DL # 17969549), Salinas was advised, she was in violation of the city's water utility
Recently there has been much controversy in Garfield county due to talk of downsizing the grand national staircase. One of, if not the, most visited sites in Escalante, Utah Is the Grand Staircase National Monument. Stretching, right now, at about 1.9 million acres, the monument consists of beautiful slot canyons, national parks, and multiple lakes and/or rivers. With Utah being known for its national parks and beautiful scenery there is a lot of commotion being brought up with this new resolution to downsize. Named as resolution, HCR 12, county commissioners argue that the lack of space is destroying the industry and economic livelihood of Garfield county. Utah citizens disagree, and many argue that the cost of reducing the land size will
City Hall’s recent push to allow more development of buildings across Long Beach has caused controversy between residents and city officials. The controversy revolves around a city policy document known as the Land Use Element which was written in 1989, a time when Long Beach had 44,000 less residents. The Land Use Element sets basic rules for what kinds of buildings can be built in a given neighborhood. City officials are now attempting to re-write the policy for the first time since 1989. As presently drafted, the Land Use Element does not allow developers to add more dwelling in taller buildings. The proposed draft calls for taller buildings, including five- and six- story buildings around the Traffic Circle, and 10-story buildings in the
Throughout the video explained numerous amount of incidences where the offender has changed their behavior through participating in these programs. According to Gideon and Sung (2011), that these types of programs help reduce recidivism due to the access of better and higher salary jobs that deters the need to commit criminal activities (pg. 204). Many inmates don't even have a high school diploma or a GED that could deter them from getting a job at all. One of the many programs being applied from the video is the ability to let inmates have college education that could help them find a legal career
Municipalities used zoning laws to reinforce the already class-stratified residential areas. The specifics of certain zoning laws such as types of family residence, buildings type, and large lot zoning made certain zones more costly than others. Consequently, zoning became a legal way to control land prices and the socioeconomic status of certain communities. In many instances African- Americans and other underprivileged minority groups who could not afford to live within these provisions were forced out of their homes or prevented from moving in to certain zones. The legal zoning laws caused many to suffer from the discrimination without a voice to fight against them, and they were largely uncontested for more than half a century until the 1970’s. The exclusionary zoning laws were finally challenged through cases when citizens spoke up about the violation of their rights under the equal protection clause. One of the most noted cases, Mount Laurel I and Mount Laurel II, were cases in response to the African-Americans in Mount Laurel, New Jersey who were being forced out of their homes due to new zoning laws. Many of these cases were vital in creating legislature that constrained the discriminative effects of the zoning
Zoning ordinances and laws within a municipality are a necessity to keep order and the protection of the neighborhoods. More importantly, the objective of zoning laws is to restrict individuals from utilizing their property in a manner that could make the community less pleasing or a possible buyer less likely to purchase a house in the neighborhood (Forman, 2000). Civil and criminal penalties are levied for not complying with the zoning laws and ordinances. Municipalities are permitted to have their zoning laws enforced, to obtain injunctions, and to request the courts to address criminal endorsement against any violations (Forman, 2000). Statutory law is associated with zoning laws and ordinances within a municipality.
Even though you didn’t cause the contamination, as the owner you are responsible for the cleanup. Because of the spill, selling the property in the future will be a hassle. The actual value for this property will be greatly decreased. Even if all of the hazardous materials get cleaned up, the property will be considered tainted to potential buyers.
Zoning Codes are considered codes that are used to regulate the land that will be used as well as preconditions to the building used. According to (Freeman, Decker & Decker, 2013) Zoning codes state if a property can be used as commercial or residential. The Zoning regulations are put into place because child care centers need to be placed in areas that are good and in a safe environment for children. For Example: A child care center would not be placed in a high crime area or a known high drug area. Zoning codes play a major part in a business as the codes are written laws that must be adhered to as it dictates how a property in an area can be used. The zoning regulations that must be met are landscaping, the parking to include handicap,