
Fair Tax System

Better Essays

Imagine that you’re on the prairie, with your family and friends, having the time of your lives, but suddenly, a police just come up to you. He calls your name and brings you over to the side to talk about the new laws that Donald Trump had assigned, like the immigration law. You're a Muslim, so this law affects you the most, and causes you and your family to move out from the U.S. Not knowing how to tell your family this, you walk out to your family with a disappointed face, with them asking, ‘What happened Jamir?’, and you have no answer. You see your grandpa and grandma who came just for this picnic, and right away, you know that you definitely can’t tell them, so you go to your siblings and tell them the problem. They also look around for …show more content…

According to The Real News Network, ‘Why Is the Green Party's Jill Stein Running to Be President,’ it states that “We're calling for a fair tax system. So we have, for example, a financial transaction tax, which would bring hundreds of billions of dollars into the economy; an offshore tax haven tax; and a progressive tax on millionaires and billionaires." This means that everyone gets a fair tax system and those who are rich will get taxed more because they have more money than everyone else. According to the article Jill 2016, "#15 Now," it states, “In the world's richest country, no one who works should live in poverty. Raising the federal minimum wage to $15 an hour is a simple and effective way to fight growing inequality and empower working people to provide a decent life for their families." This shows that Jill cares for citizens and wants to improve people’s money problem by raising the minimum wage. Others who need more money than those fortunate can get benefits by raising the minimum wage.This proves that you should vote for Jill Stein because she wants a fair system for citizens and she deals with problems that other politicians are too afraid to confront. She will also raise the minimum wage and that means she cares for citizens. Therefore, …show more content…

Jill Stein claims to give this country a better education by giving the higher grade students a less pricey and/ or free education, to make sure that they can all get a job and a life by the time that their adults. Another declaration that Jill Stein proves to do for this country is that she wants to give all immigrants and foreigners a chance in this country, whether they be Mexican or Indian, she wants to make them all equal. The last main issue that she seeks to fix and make effective is the way that the taxes should be the same for everyone, and that it doesn’t matter that their rich or that their poor, she wants to make everyone equal. If Jill Stein becomes president of the United States in 2016, she would give every immigrant the right to stay in this country, making people feel equal and respected, unlike if Donald Trump became president. Also, she can give higher end grade levels a free/ lesser cost of a education, making it lot simpler and easier to get a good education, so that they could strive and not be homeless as they get older. She can give this country a new life and chance so that we could become a prominent country, giving the citizens a new ray of hope and faith. Remember your family of Muslims, well now you settle in

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