
Fairmont High School Differences

Decent Essays

The program of studies for Fairmont High School and the program of studies for the University of Florida differ from each other in many ways. One of the differences is that the University of Florida is more specific and shows the exact classes you should take and when you should take them for each semester for 4 years of college. Whereas the Fairmont’s program of study is more of just a guideline for what classes you should take that will help lead you in the right direction for your selected major. Another difference is that for the classes on the University of Florida program of study are mostly all related to your chosen major, but the classes on Fairmont’s program of study has all the required classes for graduation, then you get to choose the electives and some other classes in a certain subject. The main difference between the program of studies is that the one for the University of Florida is more specific and planned out, than Fairmont’s program of studies. …show more content…

Since, the program of studies is just a guide, I don’t have to follow it exactly, it’s just supposed to help me find my path. If I look at it and decide that those classes aren’t how I want to spend my college years and that I want to change my major, then it has still fulfilled it’s purpose, because it helped me find the path I want to take. In reality, I might not even go to the University of Florida, which means that I won’t follow that program of study. The truth of it is that I still have 2 years, to decide what I want to do, and even then I might change my mind on what I want to do in my sophomore year of college, but that’s my

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