
Faith In The Crucible

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Fear and faith can drive a person to death or a divine life. The Crucible takes place in Salem during the Salem witch trials. The Crucible makes a point to include that the population’s main religion is puritan. The puritan religion has many distinct rules. People that are puritan have extremely strong faith and guidelines. Fear is another extremely strong force. The Crucible makes a point to include that the people accused of witchcraft are very fearful of death and this element drives the entire play. People get ear in their heads and start to lose their faith. The people want to live so when they are accused of dancing with the devil, they disobey their faith and lie and confess until they are set free. The smart people keep their word so …show more content…

These people are in fear of their lives and the only way to save themselves is to confess and accuse others. This is not okay because innocent people are then put on trial and are forced to confess to something that they did not do. The smart people like John Proctor try to find a loophole by asking if he can confess. But he also asks if they cannot put his name on the church door so that people can’t see his confession. If they do this then his name will still be clear. It is a sad part of reality that innocent people were hung for something they didn’t do. They were just trying to tell the truth and they were killed for it. John Proctor demonstrates this by saying, “Because it is my name! Because I cannot have another in my life! Because I lie and sign myself to lies! Because I am not worth the dust on the feet of them that hang! How may I live without my name? I have given you my soul; leave me my name!” this shows how he tried to find a loophole by asking to save his name from being on the church door as a confession but failed and was hung along with his friends. This is a big part in how fear drives the actions of people in the play. They lied and accused others because of the fear of their own lives. This is very sad because innocent people were hung because one person (Abigail) accused so many to save her own …show more content…

People are faithful to their religion. The people's religion in Salem is puritan and this is a very pure religion. These people do not do anything that could even be close to a sin. Dancing is even frowned upon. The people that are accused are not allowed to lie or else they will be sent to hell for eternity. Others know this and accuse others in order to save themselves and they know that the person they accuse will be hung for something everyone knows is not true. This element drives the entire play in this way because the accusation goes on from person to person for no reason except for revenge. People annoy or bother each other and eventually they all die because the courts are broken. This leads us into the next point of the trials and courts. The courts in Salem are supposed to be run under the guidance of God or the people's godlike figure. The Salem courts are anything but that. The court officials are blind to the fact that people are accusing other purely to the fact that they want to get revenge. This angers people and when the people get angry all hell breaks loose and does nothing to help the cause. The court officials are corrupt in the way that they follow whatever the crowed and population wants. This is horrible for a government because people can lie right through their teeth and if the population believes it, then they will be considered guilty no questions asked. That is how a corrupt court

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