Fall What do you think of when you hear fall? Halloween, or October is what most people think of. Fantasy football starts, kids asking their parents for Halloween candy or a new costume. Making a mess in the kitchen as you make the scariest Jack-O-Lantern on the block. The change of leaves and the cold, crisp air coming at your face. All of the different limited addition bath and body works scents, and sweaters and anything you can imagine. Fall is probably your favorite season now, but there more My favorite part about fall is that it’s my birthday season. October 22, is my birthday and of course I always go and get Halloween candy on my birthday and end up eating all of it before the sun hits the horizon. That’s another great addition
Everyone says cancun is great.I would love to go to cancun because there is ziplines, cool islands, and a huge snorkaling and scubadiving park.
“Trauma is a fact of life. It does not, however, have to be a life sentence.” - Peter A. Levine, Ph.D. In Sherman Alexie’s collection of short stories, The Lone Ranger and Tonto Fistfight in Heaven, we read stories of Native American struggles for survival in an American society designed to keep Native Americans locked in the cycle of intergenerational trauma. Alexie illustrates the importance of rejecting intergenerational trauma as a method of survival, by isolating the two main causes intergenerational trauma becomes inescapable and giving examples that showcase the impact of attempting to survive the cycle. Through the interpretation of multiple sources, it becomes clear that the inescapability of intergenerational trauma is the outcome of internalized oppression and pessimism.
The history of this holiday, like Halloween itself, is very interesting and gloomy. Halloween is a mix of ancient Celtic practices, Catholic and Roman religious rituals and European folk traditions. Many hundreds of years ago, when the Celts lived in Europe on the British Isles, November the 1st was their New Year's Day. They believed that the night before the New Year (October 31) was a time when the living and the dead came together. Ancient Celts lighted bonfires and wear costumes to ward off
A cool breeze blows through the forest, rustling fallen leaves that color the ground with splashes of orange, red and brown. A flock of geese can be seen flying through the air in a V formation and squirrels dart around gathering storing nuts for the winter. Fall. The best season has finally arrived for all to enjoy. Although fall in Sugar Land is not much like the outdoorsy picture that everyone sees when they think of fall, there are still many reasons why fall is the number one season.
We are in the swing of September and the first official day of fall is right around the corner. Here is what I'm currently loving!
Fall is an absolutely beautiful time of the year and just so happens to be my favorite season. Halloween is my favorite holiday which falls in October, the middle of fall. The spooky ghost stories, haunted houses, haunting music, as well as, the creepy costumes are just part of the enjoyment of fall. My favorite sport, football, starts in September. Which means some friendly competition between my dad and me over whose favorite team is better. Deer season also begins in september. While waiting for the big buck to come out, I get to enjoy nature’s beautiful changing color scheme. Each season has different features that makes it great, but with Halloween, football, and hunting season, fall is the best.
Fall is here! The air is getting crisp, the leaves are changing to beautiful autumn hewes and the idea of sitting by the fireplace sipping your favorite hot drink makes you smile. Of course, fall is the time for Halloween and Thanksgiving, too. Which means fall crafts, apple or pumpkin spiced everything, fall fashions and layering! So, sit back with your favorite hot beverage of choice and enjoy a few of our favorite activites, crafts, and of course fashions that the whole family can enjoy.
October is known for many things such as Breast Cancer Awareness Month and the beginning of fall. The end of October is known for Halloween where children dress up in costumes and knock on doors to receive candy. What many people do not know is that October is also known for being an awareness month for domestic violence. Domestic violence can be categorized into physical, emotional, and psychological violence against not only women but also men.
There's something about fall weather and football that just go together. Not only is this a favorite
In addition something else reason I like fall so much is because deer season starts. Another reason is because country fairs begin in ole country town and you can get a belly full of food and watch a good bull ride at the bull ride.
In high school, I was very involved with the school’s musical theatre program. I loved to act and sing, and I was pretty good at both, but I never got a part better than being in the ensemble. This was because I was not part of the “privileged” group of students.
Am I the only person in the entirety of this wasteland to say that the cold, quiet, dark and abandoned streets go pretty well with November. The glowing red rocket stops and local stores lining Ohio for once felt “not so terrifying”. The streets were really quiet today. Wait, I’m getting distracted. Anyways, I was snooping around this parking lot when I saw the nearby Super Duper Mart. I instantly rushed there with excitement. For once I wasn’t going to eat cram or crisps full of mold and/or radiation!
Autumn is the time of year when the temperature starts to cool. Water doesn’t always have to be cool, but many ancients thought of water as a cool element. Most lakes, rivers, and oceans are very cold in their natural states. Autumn is also the time of the year when plants begin to turn inward and prepare for winter. Water is the element associated with the subconscious, so it makes sense to associate fall with water.
I can imagine all of the delicious smells of pumpkins and cinnamon in the cool breeze. Their aromas swirling into the air for all to smell as they walk on by. The scent of turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, and pumpkin pie show that Thanksgiving is near. Fall is a time for family and friends to come together and become closer than ever. Thanksgiving is also one of my favorite holidays, which in my