
False-Belief Theory In Psychology

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Why is it that when you are on the phone with a three-year-old, they point at something and expect you to know what they are looking at? Is it simply because they are not paying attention or have they not developed their theory of mind completely yet? The theory of mind is a cognitive ability that enables us to understand others, or our own actions in terms of mental states such as desires, belief, or wants is a cognitive mechanism that develops for human’s social lives (Premack & Woodruff, 1978). The development of this theory is crucial to understand action prediction, explanation, and general communication in our everyday lives. We will study preschooler’s ability to rationally act on a prediction or think about other people’s thought process to test their development of this theory. The study of The theory of Mind has important implications for developmental disorders concerning diagnosis, treatment and a child overall ability to communicate effectively. This study will pursue the question; Does age influence a child’s ability to understand that others do not share the same thoughts and desires they do?
The theory of mind is the ability to mentally represent mental states that cannot be observed and is also not taught to young children at all. However, researchers have found ways to test for this cognitive ability through false- belief test, such as the Sally Anne test and sponge/ rock task (Baron-Cohen, Leslie & Frith, 1985). False- belief is an epistemic state that

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