
False Ideas Regarding the Extict Dodo Bird

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Just less than 64-100 years after its discovery by Europeans, the Dodo bird vanished completely from existence. Unsurprisingly, this bird has gained the image of a creature that was poorly adapted. The bulk of the arguments used to support this widespread belief are that Dodos were flightless and fearless as well as supposedly being fat, stupid, clumsy, and slow. Although these features are seen as disadvantages, they were actually evolutionary adaptations or are myths. Ultimately, we can not say the Dodo bird was as poorly adapted as we thought.

The Dodo’s lack of flight can be justified as an evolutionary adaptation. Due to its isolation, Mauritius had its own unique ecosystem that was absent of predators. Without predators, the Dodo had no need to flee by flying. Dodos did not need to fly to reach its food either. The Dodo’s diet consisted mostly of fruit, nuts and seeds. As there was abundance of this sustenance in Mauritius, flying was unnecessary as food was fairly accessible. Since there was no need to fly, it would be a waste of energy and a hindrance for the Dodo and thus, being flightless was an adaptation for the Dodo.

Again, due to lack of predators, the Dodo evolved to become fearless. Seeing as nothing hunted it, it had no need to flee as the minimal danger in Mauritius did not merit this. In fact, fleeing away when there was no predator would be a useless expenditure of energy and would only pose to be an impediment for it. Thus, like flying, the

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