
Family Death Research Paper

Decent Essays

Family death is the life in me “CRISTIAN” my mom called so I answered “Yes ma’am”. I was staring into her deep brown eyes, something about them was wrong, and the atmosphere just wasn’t right. My mother told me quietly to “Sit down please” and I didn’t know what was going on so I did. She told me news that for most would just be regular old news and things that happen, my grandfather (from my dad’s side) had been murdered in Mexico on July of 2010. HATRED flowed through my 13 year old veins and has never stopped since.
My grandfather’s death was one of the first major deaths that my family and I had ever experienced. It changed me completely as a person, and helped me make the best of my life. Not taking a thing for granted. My education, commitment to sports and clubs, and family became much more important to me. …show more content…

Obviously I did what every growing 13 year old would do in this situation…EAT. I grabbed my bag of Doritos and cried. I wasn’t able to talk to my dad due to him being so far away for work. I was devastated. My mind, my body…it just wasn’t right. None of the function in my body seemed to work. The hopes and dreams of ever seeing my grandfather in Mexico after I graduated were shattered and completely set on fire. The one most valuable thing that I had wanted for years was the very last of anything I had in my mind. My cousin and also best friend lived beside me at that time and we both dealt with the loss together for a while until he moved away so I was on my own. So eventually I had to man myself up and make the best of the tragedy that had happened and I

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