
Family Relationships In The Movie Summer Wars

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Every family members connected differently, take a look at Wabisuke as he tries to connect to his family through his actions and emotions. The movie "Summer Wars" is about a 17-year old teenage boy using his math and computer skills to solve a national internet crisis. In the movie, the protagonist "Kenji" was a part-time worker at a virtual world system on the internet that calls "OZ". OZ is an extremely popular worldwide program that people use to take care of their daily activities, and Japan has more 75% of people using it. The movie starts, when a girl name “Natsuki” tricked Kenji to going on a vacation to meet her family, and get him mixed in her family problems. At the same times, OZ was hacked by an artificial intelligence program, and caused Japan to fell into chaos. Kenji tries to use every skill that he had to solve this crisis. A family relationship is complicated. Wabisuke shows his feeling and emotion in an unusual way, and from an outcast point of view.
Wabisuke’s Nonverbal
In the movie, Wabisuke is the second antagonist and a member of Natsuki family. Let look at Wabisuke’s facial expressions and kinesics show what kind of family relationship, that he has with his family’s members. Form his paralinguistic, it shows how much he care about the family.
Facial Expression Facial expression is a nonverbal cue that study of person face behavior. According to Alberts, Martin, and Nakayama (2015, Section 6.3), that 55% of meaning of communication come from facial

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