
Family Vacation

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It was Friday night, the day before our family vacation. I was getting everything ready loading the truck. My wife, Anna Conley was packing my two beautiful kids. They were so excited that when it was bed time, they had trouble falling asleep. After I gave my beautiful kids a goodnight kiss, I went to take a cold shower and got ready for bed. My wife was already sleeping by the time I got out the shower. Surprisingly my daughter, Maria and my son, Max were soundly asleep. My kids both love to fish with me and their mother. They are the greatest gift I have ever received. They always make me feel like I am the best father in the world. The next morning waking up, I turned to my left and saw that my wife was not there. After waking up, I was going to wake up my kids, but they were not in their rooms. When I was going downstairs, I smelled fresh pancakes and heard birds singing. “Good morning everyone,” I said with a big smile because everyone who I was looking for were already downstairs getting ready to eat breakfast. “Good morning sweet heart, how did you sleep?” Anna said, “Oh, I slept good,” I said and I asked her the same question. “Who is ready for a little camping vacation?” I asked the kids. Max and Maria both said “MEEEE!” After we ate breakfast, we got our belongings and started heading toward Lake Keowee. It was such a bright, beautiful morning. Everything was going so great until my truck suddenly broke down. This was strange to me because I never had problems

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