
Fashion Trends In The 1920s

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After centuries of reliance on Paris fashion, the 1900s launched the new era that enabled Americans to break free from outer dependences and to set their own trends in fashion. Right from the dawn of the new century Americans made a bold move throughout the entire 20th century that marked revolutionary transformation from the formality of constrictive fashions to casual simplicity we enjoy today.
Such a remarkable shift would not be possible without huge effect Hollywood had made on fashion industry. The 1930s marked the rise of American fashion designers who became recognizable over the course of the decade. Given tremendous impact of Hollywood, the US fashion industry blossomed for the decades ahead. After World War II, Americans witnessed …show more content…

After the flourishing 1920s, the new decade made the clothing trends more streamlined. Still, famous Paris designers (Coco Chanel, Elsa Schiaparelli, and Madeleine Vionnet among others), wealthy socialites, and Hollywood actors (Marlene Dietrich and Gary Cooper) took the lead in determining the most popular fashion designs. However, over the decade of the Great Depression lasting from 1929 until 1941, most people could not benefit from the new styles and bold fashion experiments introduced by the wealthy. Nonetheless, even in those realities people managed to benefit from several trends and enjoy the new fashions. Most often, under harsh circumstances, ordinary people came up with their own clothes that required less fabric and were less costly. The adverse economic effects provoked the launch of the advanced ‘ready-to-wear clothing industry’ across the United States capable of producing and selling a wide range of affordable clothes of various styles and sizes. Given growing demand, the manufacturers imitated the latest Paris fashions with cheap copies. Rayon and cotton were the cheap fabrics that enabled the supply of new clothing lines (Scheips 2007).
With the beginning of the World War II in 1939, people have reconsidered their dressing patterns. Naturally, the clothes became more rational and limited in design. The Nazi occupation of Paris dramatically shifted the trends in the western fashion

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