
Fast Food Is The Cause Of Obesity In America

Decent Essays

One in five children are overweight and one in three adults are obese.(9,6) A reason so many people are obese is fast food. Because this is fast food we can make a change to be healthier. Fast food causes obesity because it is very unhealthy, it is too convenient, and that obesity has increased to much because of the food we eat.Fast food is very unhealthy. When fast food is replaced by nutritious food it could lead to weight gain.(6) The food at fast food restaurants are often high in calories and have little to no nutritional value. (6)¨According to the American heart Association, most Americans take in twice as much sugar as is recommended for optimal health.¨(6) In a normal healthy meal we eat 400-600 calories.(8) But in a fast food meal …show more content…

Its convenience that is making people overweight, not how cheap it is or the unknown of how unhealthy it is.(3) The number of fast foods have doubled since 1970 and so has the number of people obese.(6) There are 16,000 companies in America that are fast food.(7) One company is Mcdonald's which they have 14,267 outlets in America.(2) The number of Americans served daily is 50,000,000. (7) With all of those people served the annual fast food revenue is $110,000,000,000.(7) But in those number of people who go and eat fast food they are mostly middle income people.(3) 80% of people with low income stay at home and cook their meal.(3) Seeing how people know how unhealthy fast food is and just going because of the convenience, that's what needs to be focused on to stop the obesity.(3)Obesity is a medical condition in which excess body fat has accumulated to the extent that it may have an adverse effect on health, leading to reduced life expectancy and/or increase health problems.(8) One in three Americans are obese and one in 20 are considered extremely obese.(6)Also one in 5 children are currently overweight.(9) Some fast food restaurants entice kids to eat their meal with toys and playgrounds. This is setting a habit for children eating fast food and will continue this habit for their lifetime. (9) In the 1970s people spent $6 billion on fast food annually, but in 2000 the people spent $110 billion.(9)

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