
Fast Food Nation : The Dark Side Of The All American Meal

Better Essays

Edgardo Felix
Ms. Dudley
AP English Language & Composition 5
August 3, 2015
Fast Food Nation
Chapter 1:
Eric Schlosser, in his nonfiction book, Fast Food Nation: The Dark Side of the All-American Meal (2001), acknowledges that the biggest fast food chains in America first started out as small restaurants, mainly in southern California, that adapted to the changing lifestyle of Americans and revolutionized the way people eat their meals. He supports his claim by first giving a brief story of Carl N. Karcher’s life and how he began his business in the fast food industry in Anaheim, California, then he explains how “curb service” worked for customers with automobiles since cars became a more common method of transportation thus serving food to customers in their cars since they were too lazy to get out of them, only to expose the reasons of why Richard and Maurice McDonald came up with the “Speedee Service System” in 1948, which eliminated the use of carhops, waitresses, dishwashers, bus boys, dishes and glassware, and the items on their menu that had to be consumed with eating utensils; the system also adopted the guiding principles of an assembly line, dividing the responsibilities of the workers so only one person controlled one task in the food preparation, which is exactly what we see today in the fast food restaurants, and finally he mentions how every other fast food chain like Burger King, Wendy’s, and even Carl’s Jr., which was owned by Carl Karcher, copied this method

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