
Fast Food Restaurants and the Decline of American's Health Essay

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One out of every three Americans is obese and the majority of these obese people in the United States have eaten regularly at fast food restaurants. As the obesity rate increases, the number of fast food restaurants goes up as well. Although it is not certain, many believe that obesity in the United States is correlated to eating fast food. Since the United States has the highest obesity rate out of any country, it is important for Americans to monitor the fast food industry that may be causing obesity. With the pressure to get things done in a timely manner, fast food became a big necessity. However, when creating fast food restaurants, the industries were not thinking about the negative effects such as obesity. Other than obesity, other …show more content…

Fast food restaurants save their customers the time of getting out of their car, waiting for their order, and sitting down to eat. The drive-through has come in handy many times for those who are trying to get a bite before work. Most people do not have either the time or skills to prepare something at home, and fast food restaurants make it possible for their customers to still get a chance to eat no matter what the situation may be. Even worse, if a parent is taking his or her child to school in the morning, they will also get a happy meal for their kids to eat on the way to school. Advertisements have been targeted towards children to manipulate them that fast food is good and cool because it comes with a toy. This toy is a key player in getting more and more kids into fast food restaurants and eating their unhealthy food. More importantly, studies have shown that “Fast food is mainly targeted to children. The restaurants are advertising toys to children; this will bring them in. Some fast food restaurants are the world's largest distributors of toys. A survey of American school children found that 96% could identify Ronald McDonald. Once the children are in the restaurant, they buy the fast food to get a toy. The high fat foods taste good to these youngsters, which in turn makes them believe that fast food is quick, easy and satisfying. Fast food restaurants are now making "value" meals for children which have increased in portion

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